Learn more about the ranch real estate market and current ranches for sale.
Harrigan Land Company is a family-owned ranch real estate business that has been linking buyers with sellers of exceptional-quality recreational ranches since 1992. We’ve just witnessed a year of high demand for these ranches for sale and want to inform you about the present state of the recreational ranch market in the West. In short, we’re very encouraged by what we saw last year and by what we anticipate for 2014 in the ranch real estate market.
We’re grateful for the remarkably strong year that we enjoyed in 2013. After a solid year of brokering ranch transactions in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico, we actually now find ourselves with a shortage of ranches for sale. Our view of the current ranch market is that larger ranches for sale with outstanding recreational and agricultural values remain in high demand and interest in smaller, higher price-per-acre, “retreat ranches for sale” has increased substantially over the past year. We believe that this strong demand for high quality ranch property will carry through 2014 as many investors continue to be wary of the stock market and unenthusiastic of the small returns offered through savings accounts.
Please feel free to contact us anytime to talk ranches, hunting, or fly fishing. As avid outdoorsmen ourselves, your tales of trophy bull elk and five-pound brown trout are always welcome!